HaPpY BiRtHDaY to my darling angel, Trinity. She turns nine years old today! As many of you know, it is an unbelievable miracle that she’s even here with us. Today’s article is dedicated to her, and other miracle babies like her.
Why do I call her the miracle baby? hmmm… We need to travel back a bit and go over a few hurdles we (and especially she) have had to endure in less than a decade. Let’s list some of the things that lead me to call her a miracle:
I’m HIV Positive
I realize that this post is about Trinity, and not me… However, this is a very important fact. Being HIV+ has me facing many facts. Until medical science caught up, one of those facts was that I would never have a child. At least not without the possibility of transferring HIV to my wife and/or child. Hence, until about a dozen years ago, Kristine and I assumed we would not have children. That changed when a form of in vitro fertilization (IVF), called ICSI, was approved for serodiscordant couples (where one partner is HIV-positive and one partner is HIV-negative).
You can read more about IVF here: healthywealthytribe.com/creating-life-in-a-laboratory.
Another potential miracle part is that Kristine and I made attempt-after-attempt before the fourth one finally took. Kristine actually got pregnant on our first attempt and then lost the baby at ten weeks. This was devastating. We nearly gave up after the next two attempts didn’t take at all. We decided to take one more crack (no pun intended) at this, and Kristine got pregnant. We were very close to giving up entirely…
Breech Baby
From before she was born, Trinity was a stubborn baby. Right around her due date, we found out that Trinity was sitting breech in the womb. The doctor made some simple attempts at turning her, but such a headstrong child was not moving for a mere doctor. Kristine was admitted for a cesarean section.
During the C section, the doctors exclaimed that something was wrong with Kristine and she was losing too much blood. Her whole body went deathly white and they wrapped her in heated blankets to keep her warm
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. I’m certain that they covered up a serious problem by telling me that there were complications, but that she would be fine. Again, this doesn’t have a direct correlation with Trinity, but she might very well have lost her mother from day one!
Esophageal Atresia
When Trinity was born, she didn’t cry immediately. And, her breathing sounded a tad raspy to me. I turned to the nurse and said, “Something is wrong.” The nurse disagreed and said everything was fine. Within minutes they were scurrying around looking flustered like a barn full of clucking hens. I knew something was serious, but didn’t know what. Asked to leave, I went to get something to eat from the cafeteria. In a matter of minutes, I thought we were close to losing Kristine, and now, something was wrong with Trinity. My head was swirling.
Returning from eating a meal, I found Kristine crying. She explained to me that Trinity had esophageal atresia and needed an immediate surgery to live. Essentially, Trinity’s esophagus had not fully developed and it wasn’t connected to her stomach. To top it off, she would need to be transported to Children’s Hospital for this emergency.
About 1 in 2,500 babies is born with some form of esophageal atresia. The scary (and another miracle) part is that all babies with this disorder born prior to the operation invention (approximately fifty years ago) died from starvation! Can you say, miracle?
While couped-up at Children’s, the first communication that Trinity had was grabbing my finger. She reached out, grabbed it tightly, and peered into my eyes as if to say, Don’t worry Daddy, I’m strong and will be fine. I knew that she was special, and dare I say it… A miracle.
The doctors told us that she was strong when she pulled out her feeding tube. Actually, they couldn’t keep it in… She refused to give in! Strong heart this one…
Another situation occurred while Trinity was still in Children’s Hospital. She caught Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). MRSA is a staph infection and bacterium that’s responsible for several difficult-to-treat infections. It is especially dangerous in young children. Considering that approximately 10% of people with MRSA die from it, I would say that warrants another Miracle Baby check-mark.
Oxygen Deprivation
When Trinity was a wee-little-one she had oxygen related issues. Kristine brought her in to see the doctor and the doctor immediately called an ambulance. She was taken to the hospital on a few occasions to tackle this problem, and she spent a few nights in an oxygen tent. Even as a little baby, she was still dealing with life threatening illness and troubles. And, perhaps more importantly, she was surmounting these deadly issues as soon as they came.
At a young age, Trinity was diagnosed with asthma. Nothing like some of the things she dealt with at birth, this is still a tough challenge and something she will deal with for her entire life. I’m confident that her headstrong attitude and downright stubbornness will get her by this speed bump without a hitch.
Most women born to hemophiliac fathers do not get the disease. Rather, they become carriers, but lead normal “clotting” lives. Never one to miss an opportunity, Trinity was tested and revealed the fact she, in-fact, is a type A mild hemophiliac.
I feel like I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but you get my point. Obviously there are things she’s only been able to tackle with the advent of modern medical miracles. However, I feel that above those things, my darling daughter, Trinity, is a miracle baby.
Like her Mom and Dad, she is a loving and caring person. Talented and smart, she was born to be a leader and survivor!
Everyone is rightfully proud of their kids. Today I salute a wonderful human being, a miracle…
HaPpY BiRtHDaY, Trinity Viola Ripley!
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Wow. you and Kristine must be so proud of her. She truly is a miracle! Happy Birthday Trinity!
Thanks, Liz! We are proud… And, we feel blessed to still have her with us!
Happy Birthday precious girl hope you have a fantastic day. I have 3 boys with haemophilia and 2 beautiful daughters, our 11 year old was born with deuodenal atresia. Have a very special day darl hope you get spoilt xx
Thank you, Deb! Looks like you have a few miracle babies yourself! Thanks for the kind words and we’ll try to spoil her.
Happy Birthday Trinity. She is truly a miracle and a blessing. I am sure she is destined to do great things.
Thank you so much, Melanie! I agree… She is destined to do great things. And, I look forward to being there to see her succeed at whatever she decides to do.
Thanks again,
Amazing, Vaughn and Kristine! Happy Birthday, Trinity! And it’s been WAY too long since we have hung out. Hope to remedy that soon.
Hi Julie! And, happy birthday to you!!! I concur… We must get the Belgards and Ripleys together sometime soon!
I love this story. Trinity is an awesome super hero. ;). Thanks for sharing! Happy Birthday little lady.
awww… So nice to hear from you Michelle, and I really appreciate your sweet words. Miss you so much!
Trin is such a sweet little girl . . . Happy Birthday, Trin! Make sure your mom and dad bring you and Xan to our St. Patrick’s Day Party! 🙂
Thanks, Dan! We’re trying for the St. Patty’s Day party, but we have a conflict. Kristine is working on it. Hopefully we’ll see you guys!
Hello Vaughn and Kristine. I’m a 31 year old hemophiliac and also diagnosed with HIV at age 4 through infected clotting factor. Your daughter Trinity gives me hope that I too can perhaps have a child of my own one day. I just need to find myself a strong woman like Kristine. You truly are a lucky man Vaughn. Best wishes to you all.
Thanks, Richard! It hasn’t always been an easy road, but definitely worth every step of the way!
Sorry to hear about your trials. There really aren’t many of us left. Hang in there and ganbatte kudasai!
Yes, Trinity is a miracle, for sure. But, God made us (the parents) miracles, also. Aren’t we just amazingly blessed that he chose us to be the moms and dads for these special kids? Trinity is blessed to have you and Kristine as her parents.
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Hi Lonna!
I will let Trinity know your birthday wishes. And, thank you for the kind words (I agree with your thoughts).