Care for a Threesome?

Let’s talk about one of the toughest competition fitness events that you can put your body and mind through. Triathlon.

It’s my belief that triathlon is the single greatest way for you to stay in the best shape of your life. Think about what this sporting event has to offer. Swimming. Biking. Running. When combined, these three activities can’t be matched for building the ultimate healthy body. If you’ve got the guts (and I do mean that), you should give this AWESOME sport a tri.

Before we start… You guys know what’s coming…

WARNING: Working out and exercise can be dangerous. You can be seriously injured, crippled or killed. The opinions, stories, and ideas presented here (and everywhere on my blog) are my own and do not constitute a recommendation of or endorsement for any particular or general use. I strongly recommend getting a complete physical and doctor’s approval before starting any type of strenuous activity. Especially if you are over the age of 40 or have high blood pressure, genetic heart problems or conditions, or elevated cholesterol levels. If you choose to workout and/or race, you do so at your own risk. In addition, working out requires patience, diligence, and above all else, using good form. Never bounce or over strain! Now stop making excuses and get in the game!!!

Many people consider a marathon to be the toughest thing you can compete in… Others say that a century bike ride is unbelievably tough… You can imagine what folks say about swimming 2.4 miles… Well… Combining all three of these into one event and pushing yourself in each of them is sick beyond any individual sport. Triathlons will push you like you never imagined possible!

Triathlon is a relatively new sport

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. It was technically started in the 1920’s in France… But, it is widely recognized that the first “real” triathlon occurred in 1974 in San Diego. 46 people participated in that race, including Jack Johnstone and Don Shanahan, the two guys who came up with the idea.

“Swim 2.4 miles! Bike 112 miles! Run 26.2 miles! Brag for the rest of your life!”
— Commander Collins, USN (1978)

Standard Distances

  • Sprint: Swim: 750 meter (.465 mi) / Bike: 20 K (12.5 mi) / Run: 5 K (3.1 mi)
  • Olympic (AKA Intermediate): Swim: 1.5 K (.93 mi) / Bike: 40 K (25 mi) / Run: 10 K (6.2 mi)
  • Half-Ironman (AKA 70.3): Swim: 1.9 K (1.2 mi) / Bike: 90 K (56 mi) / Run: 21.1 K (13.1 mi)
  • Ironman (AKA: Ultra or 140.6): Swim: 3.8 K (2.4 mi) / Bike: 180.2 K (112 mi) / Run: full marathon – 42.2 K (26.2 mi)

    Along with these distances there are several that differ slightly. The one that stands out the most is the “mini-sprint” or “super-sprint”; which is typically about half the distance of a standard sprint. This is the distance I would recommend doing (if it’s available in your area) for your first race.

    First Things First
    To start racing, your best bet is to get a membership at This membership will get you access to join most races around the country. And, you get a magazine when you sign up.

    After joining USAT, buy a book… The Triathlete’s Training Bible by Joe Friel, who I consider the most knowledgeable and amazing coach in triathlon history!

    Next thing on your list of to-do’s is to find some local races. I’ve found that is a good resource… But, you can find tons of sites by simply Googling, “local triathlon races” or checking out the USAT website. Once you find one that gives you ample time to train for it (think two or three months if you’re in reasonably good shape), sign up and commit yourself!

    Finally, TRAIN HARD!

    A Few Tips and Pointers

    On my first race I learned a few things and I made a few mistakes… Let me tell you guys about some of these in the hopes that your first race can go a tad better.

    I pushed myself hard in the swim and paid for it as I tried to put my bike shoes on. I nearly passed out… Remember to push yourself hard but then taper off near the end of the first two events; which will make your transition better.

    My swim to bike wasn’t the only problem area… I also pushed myself hard to the end of the bike and found my calves literally locking up during the start of my run. I limped out of the transition area and spent the first five minutes hobbled and hopping. When my legs finally started responding I had lost some precious minutes!

    When I started my run, I had forgotten to take my helmet off. Honestly I would have forgotten to put pants on if that was part of it. I was dazed, confused, and lost… Stay calm and stay focused and you will be fine. Enjoy those first few mistakes you make and laugh at yourself. This is about fun!

    One thing that you can do to avoid the calf problems I had is to stand up out of the saddle during your last mile or so on the bike. Ease back a hair and do the pedaling in a way that you can stretch your calves. You might lose a few seconds because of this slowing down, but it beats the minutes you’ll lose if you don’t do it!

    In your transition area, make sure that you carefully lay things out ready for you to change into them… During your race your mind will be all mixed up and the easier you make the transition station the quicker you can get past it. I like to wear socks for the bike and run (some people don’t), so I wear very short socks to make them easier to put on. When your feet are wet, socks are freaking tough to put on! One thing that helps is to turn them halfway inside-out. This way you can stuff your toes in and then simply unravel them around your moist feet.

    I also bought elastic shoe laces for my tri running shoes, so I don’t have to waste fifteen seconds tying them. It’s the little things that will speed up your transitions!

    Get a tri suit (one piece or two piece is personal preference). The bike seat pad in a tri suit is thinner and won’t absorb water during the swim.

    Practice your transitions!


    As I mentioned, you should get The Triathlete’s Training Bible. But, if you don’t I can give you a few pieces of training advice. You need to train in all three sports. And, it’s important to prepare yourself for the bike to run transition by following some of your bike rides with an immediate run. These style workouts are commonly referred to as BRICK (Bike, Run, ICK!)

    After some of my swims I like to leap out of the pool and stand immediately. This is a bit of a rush, but it gets you used to the transition to bike.

    Along with training in each sport, I think it’s very important that you do some cross-training… I prefer weight lifting for my cross-training. And, don’t forget some serious core work. The core is the key to ALL three sports and will benefit you greatly!

    I hope that this article was helpful.

    And, let me know what you think. Also, tell me about your experience with triathlons.

    See you at the starting line,

    Please comment by clicking “Leave a Comment.” And, if you dig, share this article! Also, please type your email address into the “Subscribe” box up top to get updates each time I post a new blog article.

    You can rest assured that we will never SPAM your email account, and it’s only used to send the latest articles.

    High Intensity Interval Training

    Many of you know what HIIT is… But, for those of you who don’t, I will lay it out for ya.

    Before we break this subject down, let’s first discuss my mandatory long-winded disclaimer…

    WARNING: Working out and exercise can be dangerous. You can be seriously injured, crippled or killed. The opinions, stories, and ideas presented here (and everywhere on my blog) are my own and do not constitute a recommendation of or endorsement for any particular or general use. I strongly recommend getting a complete physical and doctor’s approval before starting any type of strenuous activity. Especially if you are over the age of 40 or have high blood pressure, genetic heart problems or conditions, or elevated cholesterol levels. If you choose to workout, you do so at your own risk. In addition, working out requires patience, diligence, and above all else, using good form. Never bounce or over strain!

    With that gratuitous message out of the way, let us continue…

    HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is cardio based work that shortens your workout time and intensifies (to say the least) your effort and outcome

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    . Basically, it involves:

    1. Warm-up: Five minutes at a slow/easy pace to get the blood flowing;
    2. Intense Session: 30-60 seconds of breakneck pace on a higher resistant level (if possible);
    3. Resting Session: 1-2 minutes of slow/easy pace and resistance;
    4. Session Repeat: Go back to Intense Session and repeat both sessions 5-10 times;
    Cool Down: Five minutes at a slow/easy pace to get the muscles (and heart) cooled down.

    In the past, it was believed that you needed 45+ minutes of cardio training at 65-80% of your maximum predicted heart rate. Combined with 5 minutes of warm-up and cool down, this ends up being an hour or even longer! This HIIT program keeps your workout to potentially under 30 minutes and gives you FAR more bang for your buck. Trainers, doctors, and scientists have done the legwork to prove to us that HIIT does more for increasing your cardiovascular system and in burning calories.

    You can use HIIT during most cardio-based exercises. Running, swimming, and biking all work very well. Also, equipment like ellipticals, rowing machines, and VersaClimbers (my favorite) work fantastic utilizing a HIIT method.

    I can tell you that my experience is along those lines. I find that HIIT has quickly increased my performance and endurance! You shouldn’t try to do HIIT unless you are already in good shape and have had a recent physical and approval from your physician.

    I use periodization in my training routines and switch what I’m doing every two or three months. When I am incorporating HIIT, I do it twice per week and then a single “long” mileage day each week. Depending on what I’m training for, I might do more or less HIIT during my week.

    If you are fit and find yourself hitting plateaus in your cardio program, give this a go (at your own risk, obviously).

    Do you already do HIIT? What’s your experience been like?

    Train safe, and train hard!!!


    Please comment by clicking “Leave a Comment.” And, if you dig, share this article! Also, please type your email address into the “Subscribe” box up top to get updates each time I post a new blog article.

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    Gears for Good 2013

    I’m riding (for the third year in a row) 156 miles (from Paw Paw to Washington, D.C.) over three days (September 27-29, 2013). Funds that are raised (last year we raised over $38,000) from this ride are directed to the Helping Hands program to assist families in the bleeding disorder community who are going through financial difficulty. It not only helps these families, but we also raise awareness and build a growing, strong community of friends! Gears for Good is an AWESOME cause!!!

    please donate (no amount is too small) to help support me and hemophiliacs like me by going to this page and clicking “Donate.”

    I wrote an article for the Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA) in their quarterly Dateline magazine. You can find my article on page 10 of this issue: Please checkout my article and let me know what you think!

    In this article I give the Top ten reasons why you might want to join us on the Gears for Good Ride… Here they are:

    Top Ten Reasons to Join Us

    10. Meditative effect and fresh air (instead of being cooped-up in a stinky gym)


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    . Strength and aerobic improvement (plus it builds stamina)

    8. Boost your overall mood and self esteem

    7. Longevity

    6. Burns calories (and most importantly – fat!)

    5. Improves coordination and balance

    4. Low impact exercise

    3. Strengthen joints (knees, ankles, and hips)

    2. Raising money and awareness for an amazing cause

    1. Meet and hang out with some incredible people who are living with a bleeding disorder just like you

    Checkout this COo.oOL HFA video from last year to see a brief clip about our ride, our camaraderie, and our community!

    If you can’t join us, you can at least be there in spirit… And, your donation is going to an incredibly good cause!

    As I said before, please donate (no amount is too small) to help support me and hemophiliacs like me by going to this page and clicking “Donate.”

    If you prefer to donate manually (not online) you can write a check to the Hemophilia Federation of America. Please write “donation in support of Vaughn Ripley” in the memo and mail the check to:

    Hemophilia Federation of America
    210 7th SE
    Suite 200B
    Washington, DC 20003

    I will continue to ride this event every year (until I can no longer ride) in support of my blood brothers. Please help me to help others!!

    Let me know what you think in the comments.

    Love you all,

    Please comment by clicking “Leave a Comment.” And, if you dig, share this article! Also, please type your email address into the “Subscribe” box up top to get updates each time I post a new blog article.

    You can rest assured that we will never SPAM your email account, and it’s only used to send the latest articles.

    Secret to Getting Fit

    That’s right folks… You’ve always known that there was a secret to getting and staying fit and healthy. Today I am going to reveal this coveted secret and leak to you the hidden key to fitness success with health that no one else will share with you. Ready? Get your pen and paper handy…

    Here it comes…

    Eat fewer calories and workout.

    What the bleep?? You might be screaming right now. But the funny thing is, that is honestly all there is to it! Sure you can get into more details like avoid trans fats and drink 90 or more ounces of water each day. But the bottom line is: fitness and healthy living is simpler than 96% of the personal trainers out there want you to know. Look at the billion dollar industry of books, magazine articles, DVD’s, radio programs, TV infomercials, and personal trainers. Do you think they want you knowing the simple truth? Absolutely not!

    That said… This secret is simple, but not easy. What I mean by that is that it is simple as a formula… Simple to learn… Simple to understand… But, absolutely NOT easy to stick with and follow on a daily basis. That is the single reason why all of us aren’t perfectly fit!

    Now that you know the truth, let’s break it down just a little bit in a simple formula that you can use to change your lifestyle today and become a more fit person immediately.


    First-things-first: You need to start this life changing experience with the right attitude. A positive one! If you go into this all whiny, “the gym is tough to get to, and the machines I want are always taken, yada yada yada…” Then you will NOT succeed. You need to start by altering your attitude. You need to square your shoulders, puff out your chest, elevate your chin, squint your eyes (if you look cool doing that), and in your most serious voice scream, “Not one more damn day!” That’s right, scream it! Psych yourself up and do not accept no for an answer. Today (not tomorrow) you are going to alter yourself and create the healthy base that you desire. And then you are going to set goals and desires for the remainder of your life! I like to call this #Fit4LifeTraining. We’re in this for the long-haul, people!

    Now that you got your mindset right. Tweet about it! You know what I mean… Email your friends, post your Facebook status, and tweet. Say something like, “I have decided to change my fitness level and I’m starting today! #Fit4LifeTraining.” I search on #Fit4LifeTraining every day, so if you add that hashtag I will know you read this and I will pick on you and keep you to your word! So, will the slew of others who read this article (all three of them).

    Once you come out of the closet about your health, I challenge you to continue giving status updates. Find like-minded people to cheer you on, and that you can cheer on. Support each other in your quest to longevity and healthy living.

    Anytime you feel you can’t make a workout because you are tired, or sore, or don’t have time you repeat this little ditty. “Vaughn Ripley is a hemophiliac and HIV+ for more than a quarter century. On a daily basis he deals with severe pain in his feet and toes from peripheral neuropathy. His daily bout of diarrhea, stomach issues, eye problems, rashes, and countless other maladies from medicine side effects do not stop him. As a matter-of-fact, he is probably working out right now on only four hours of sleep and thinking about his family and work, texting, updating his status, responding to emails, writing personal and business blogs, typing in the next chapter of his fictional thriller, walking on water (that part I just made up to see if you were listening), and playing eight other people on” I am not stating that bit of info to toot my own horn. Instead, I am giving you leverage to get your lazy arse off the couch and move it! If I can do it..

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    . So can you!!!

    Now let’s get there:

    Garbage In / Garbage Out

    Eating. mmhmm. I’m not going into great detail here, because I don’t believe in most supplements and so on. I’m more a fan of simplicity. Eat good food and see good results. Try and eat healthy as often as you can, because tomorrow you might find yourself at a McDonalds. I use the 80/20 rule here. If I eat good and healthy 80% of the time, I can afford to eat sloppy the other 20%. If you reverse that rule (which many of us do on a daily basis), you will be hosed!

    The big secret about food is… If you want to lose weight, monitor yourself and then correct your course. What I mean is, track your daily calorie intake and track your weight (always weigh yourself at the same time under the same circumstances – I like to do first thing in the morning immediately after my first pee, but before I eat/drink anything… And, I do it naked – Meow!) On a weekly basis evaluate your situation. If you stayed the same weight or gained from last week, simply plan your daily intake to be 100-250 fewer calories (e.g. last week you averaged 3,125 calories and you didn’t lose any weight – this week shoot for 3,000 calories per day and see where you are next week). Keep repeating this process until you find you are losing ~1 or 2 pounds per week.

    Avoid Trans Fats and drink more water. There… I said it.

    There ain’t no super secret diet, and it isn’t rocket science. Less intake = less weight gained. PERIOD.

    Weight Lifting (anaerobic exercise)

    I like to lift weights in a full-body fashion. However you decide to do it (push day, leg day, pull day or full-body in one day) isn’t as important as simply doing it! It is a proven scientific fact that muscle assists the body’s metabolism and burns fat. Hence, lift and build your muscle to burn some fat. Plus, your healthy joints, tendons, and muscles will thank you in the long run.

    I would like to dispel one of the silliest myths that I’ve run into as a personal trainer. Someone inevitably says (and it is usually in a whining dribble):

    “But I don’t wanna end-up looking like Arnold.”

    Are you freaking kidding me?? Let me go ahead and put the kibitz on this one right now. First: You CANNOT end-up looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger without extreme genetics, heavy doses of steroids, and 5+ hours of weight lifting every day for 10+ years. Second … Well, there is no second … I think first covered it just fine. You WILL NOT end-up looking like Arnold by lifting weights. You won’t even get close without a bodybuilding plan, ‘roids, and some SERIOUS motivation! So, stop making excuses and slap some iron on a bar and lift, you puny punk!!

    I should mention that I think two or three days of weights is more than enough to keep your body in great shape. You can do more, but ALWAYS make room for a rest day (where you do no weights or cardio). I do two days of weight lifting each week.

    Cardiovascular Exercise

    Another no-nonsense section is cardio. It really is simple. Do 45 or more minutes of steady state cardio every other day (or so) where your heart rate is 65-85% of your predicted max. If you do intervals it does not have to be for that long. Intervals are more advanced and you do not need them at this stage. I do three different types of cardio: bike, run, and swim. For my bike day, I will do two days of 90 minutes of riding and I call these “maintenance days.” Then I do one more bike day, called my “long day,” which is normally 2.5 hours or longer (depending on what I’m training for).

    Once again, I believe that three days of cardio is good enough to keep your body in great shape. You can do more, but ALWAYS make room for a rest day (where you do no weights or cardio). I do between three and six days of cardio because I am triathlete and this is my bailiwick. Don’t kill yourself… Remember to enjoy what you are doing.


    Dude!? Do I really need to explain this? You need a day off each week. Okay?


    One thing that I do to ensure that I stick with my goals is signing up for events. I spread them out some, but each year I’m always signed up for three, four, or more events. One year might be two triathlons, a 10-mile run, and a 1-mile swim. Regardless of what you choose, pick something, sign up and train! This helps to keep you motivated through sticking points.

    A final note… My good buddy, Pat, is sick and tired of people saying, “Well yeah, but you’re genetically designed to look like that.” Pat does tough workouts, eats right, and knows what he’s doing. Of course… He is genetically built like a freak of nature too… Alas, he is right. Genetics is just one tiny piece of the whole pie. If you rely on one piece of the pie it will come back and haunt you! It takes a heck of a lot more than genetics for Pat to get up at 5 a.m. and go straight to the gym to crush the weights for 90 minutes every day. The next time you are telling someone how lucky they are, think about it. Are they lucky? Or, do they make their own luck?

    Make some of your own luck! And… Start TODAY!!!

    What do you do to stay healthy? Was the article insightful and/or helpful?

    I hope this helped without offending you too much,

    Please comment by clicking “Leave a Comment.” And, if you dig, share this article! Also, please type your email address into the “Subscribe” box up top to get updates each time I post a new blog article.

    You can rest assured that we will never SPAM your email account, and it’s only used to send the latest articles.

    Distraction Tactics

    This article might or might not be what you expected when reading the title. Essentially I was thinking about how we humans use diversionary thoughts and practices to avoid facing the tough challenges we tackle in everyday life. Sometimes this strategy is on purpose and sometimes it is subconscious and we have no control over it. Even more important is the fact that sometimes these daily distractions can be positive, neutral, or downright damaging.

    Examples of bad distractions might include things like eight hours of television (when you should be working on the laundry), hours of video games (when you should be mowing the lawn), reading and posting on the Facebook (when there is a pile of dishes in the sink)… And the list goes on all the way to dangerous distractions like drugs and alcohol as a means to deal with your life problems.

    Alas, I didn’t start this discussion to focus on the negative, neutral, or other down side of distractions. Instead I wanted to offer some potentially handy advice on how to use distractions and diversionary thinking to your advantage in a positive and even inspiring way!

    A good example of this is one I often use to describe riding my bicycle up this particularly tough hill that I affectionately call, Church Hill, because it is a steep and nasty hill that happens to have a small church sitting up at the top. As I approach Church Hill I know that I am about to get my ass handed to me. I mean this in a good way. It is the acme of my workout, because it is very close to the end of my ride and this ascent is always epic. We are talking maximum effort and maximum heart rate for the entire two minute climb up this steep incline.

    It takes serious focus and determination to make it all the way up this hill staying in the saddle and riding the whole way. Just ask one of my many friends who have attempted this hill and found that their willpower or stamina (or both) just are not ample enough to succeed at this daunting task.

    The truth is, I have a little secret on completing this part of my workout. I NEVER attack the hill thinking about the whole thing. As a matter of fact, I break it into five pieces in my head. The initial phase ends at this sort of hump where the incline changes momentarily. As I start pumping up this hill, I put my head down and I grind it out, thinking to myself, I’m just going to make it to the hump today. You probably know where this is heading… Once I get to that hump, I re-gather my spirit and inwardly think things like, “That wasn’t so bad… Let’s keep going for a little while longer.” From there, I know this one particular house that is three houses up on the left from the hump position. I simply decide to ride to that point, then I will quit, pop out of my pedals, and walk the rest of the way up the hill. Of course, I make it there and take a few breaths and decide to move on. There is a street only two more houses up… Surely anyone could make it two more houses and be satisfied with stopping at that point. By now you’ve got my devious plan figured out

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    . That’s right, I push myself a little further to the Dodge truck parked a tiny bit further up the hill. Then finally I set my sights on the church. Once to the church I am home free, and the hill grade eases up a bit and I see the T-intersection mere feet away. I huff it out and finish the hill.

    I’ve been using this tactic and technique on this very same hill for six years now. You’re probably wondering how I can continue to trick my mind, considering that I’ve done this same thing day-in day-out several hundred times. Honestly I’m not sure how my mind hasn’t caught on, but it truly works. Believe me!

    I use this same thing for runs and even workouts with weights! I find myself laying on the bench saying, “Anyone could do ONE more rep.” You know how this story ends.

    Before closing up the post, I wanted to mention that I’m not the only one who uses the strategy and I did not invent it. I’m sure people have been doing some form of this since the dawn of mankind. Recently my buddy, Andrew, mentioned reading a similar usage in a Navy SEAL book where the soldier talks about getting through BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training) and especially “Hell Week.” The author says that he was able to get through Hell Week by going “meal to meal.” Meals came every six hours, so he essentially told himself I will make it to the next meal and then quit. Of course when that meal came, he got some relief and rest and then got back into the training with renewed energy. He would repeat his previous statement and continue working with the intention of quitting at the next meal. He continued in this fashion for an entire week and finished Hell Week!

    I am sure that you have used this idea in something in your life, but hopefully my article inspires you to find other areas in life to use it. Remember, it doesn’t only have to be about workouts. It can be projects at work, yard work, chores, or any number of things.

    If you use this technique, please comment and let me know your super secret plan for success! What could you use it for?

    BTW – I also use this for my writing and even this blog… HA!

    Your faithful meal-to-meal writing buddy,

    Please comment by clicking “Leave a Comment.” And, if you dig, share this article! Also, please type your email address into the “Subscribe” box up top to get updates each time I post a new blog article.

    You can rest assured that we will never SPAM your email account, and it’s only used to send the latest articles.

    Chiseled Abs

    It seems that the whole world argues about whether big muscular men are attractive. Some believe that a sinuous (almost skinny) body of a runner looks best. While others look at the swimmer’s build and wish to replicate it for themselves. And, yet another group looks at the massive bodybuilder physique and find that appealing. Regardless of which body type you dig on, there is one thing we can all agree on:

    A man with chiseled abs simply portrays a strong core, physically fit body, and looks good to boot.

    Before I dive into how you can reach a desired goal of having killer abs, I must insert my painful disclaimer…

    WARNING: Working out and exercise can be dangerous. You can be seriously injured, crippled, or killed. The opinions and stories and ideas presented here are my own and do not constitute a recommendation of or endorsement for any particular or general use. I strongly recommend getting a complete physical and doctors approval before starting any type of strenuous activity. Especially if you are over the age of 40 or have high blood pressure, genetic heart problems or conditions, or elevated cholesterol levels. If you choose to workout, you do so at your own risk. In addition, working out requires patience, diligence, and above all else, using good form. Never bounce or over strain!

    There are literally tons of things I could tell you on how to make your core look killer. But, that would be silly and useless. Instead, I’d rather tell you about three things that will cut up your abs and have them beach ready.

    1. Lower your body fat

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    . This one may sound simple, but it really is the key to the whole thing. I have heard countless people say, “I don’t have abs.” Well, that is not true. All of us have abdominal muscles. It’s just that the majority are hidden under a layer (or two) of fat! If you succeed in lowering your body fat below 15%, you will see the abs cutting through. And, if you REALLY wanna highlight those bad boys, you will need to be 12% or lower.

    2. Work your rectus abdominis and external obliques. These are the muscles that most people refer to when they say, “abs.”

    3. Work your transverse abdominis. Whoa! Wait a minute??!! You exclaim. You might just be wondering what the transverse abdominis is… This is actually an internal muscle that wraps from your spine all the way around to your front. It cannot be seen externally, and you probably didn’t even realize it existed. However, I’m here to tell you that it might just be the most important muscle in the whole kit-and-caboodle. The transverse abdominis literally holds your core tight and keeps your organs in place. You might recognize it if I told you it is the muscle you clench when you suck your gut in. The picture (drawing) at the start of this article shows a more detailed view of the core muscles and give you a better understanding of where the transverse abdominis is located.

    So, today’s post will focus on number three from the above list. We all already know that lowering body fat is important. And, we know that our abs will look killer with lower body fat. And, everyone knows that crunches, sit-ups, and side bends will do wonders for our abs. What many of you may not have known is that the transverse abdominis can help keep your belly in and tighten up your core as a whole.

    First-things-first… In today’s technology age, most of us find ourselves sitting for eight or more hours each day. This has weakened our abs, and more than anything the transverse abdominis. So, you need to counteract this weakness by strengthening things.

    So, here’s how we target this tough to hit muscle (Google each exercise if you aren’t familiar with these):

    2-Point Bridge (prone)

    2-Point Bridge (side)
    (This looks like a more advanced version of the side bridge)

    Stomach Vacuums

    Here are two additional exercises used by belly dancers to strengthen the inner-abs…

    Belly-Roll: You know this one… We did it as kids!

    Flutters (not flutter kicks): Locate your diaphragm (just under the “V” of your rib cage). Many people say they can locate the diaphragm by panting while on all fours. To create the “flutter,” you have to create a vacuum by exhaling and then holding your breath. While holding your breath, raise your rib cage and laugh (big belly-laugh) and you’ll find that you should be able to move the muscle around the upper abs.

    All of the mumbo-jumbo aside, my two favorites to do are: regular 2-point bridges and stomach vacuums.

    As always, the most important part of any fitness related thingy is to do it!

    Catch ya at the beach,

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    How to Fit in Fitness

    We’ve all been there… Each and every one of us über fitness nuts have brief stints where we fight internally and struggle to get a simple workout in. I’m fighting that battle on a regular basis. So I thought I would put some of my thoughts down to share with some of you.

    It seems tougher and tougher to get a workout in these days. My job is busier than ever. I am working more hours than ever. Especially nowadays with the advent of smart phones. I even find myself working at 2 a.m. when I wake for no apparent reason and then check my e-mail while lying in bed. I get up at 5:01 a.m. to get ready for the work day and usually don’t get home until 7:31 p.m. Once home, I crack open the laptop and sit on the couch and get back to work. Before I know it, it’s time to put the kids to bed and I am winding down… Where did my day go??

    On top of work, I keep up with two blogs, personal forum, writing my books, reading books, and studying fitness magazines to see the latest trends in getting bigger, stronger, and faster! Did I forget to mention the Facebook? Ahhhh..

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    . Love wasting time communicating with people in the virtual world.

    Lest we forget family. I juggle a wife and two kids. And, Trinity, who is eight years old, takes piano lessons and gymnastics. Guess who takes her? (well, actually we normally take turns on this one, but you get the picture). Now she talks about karate and dancing. Holy dump!!?? I haven’t even mentioned Xander and his karate, t-ball, lacrosse, and soccer!

    So… Where do I find time to squeeze in exercise? Wait… we aren’t done. Before talking about how to do it, let talk about one more thing. Even when I’m in the workout groove (as it were), I usually get hit with something that takes me out physically. Like right now, it’s allergy season. During the winter it’s colds and flu’s. Do you feel me? Stop me if none of this sounds familiar. *crickets*

    We all know that daily they prove how important rest and sleep are. So, how can I possibly get enough rest and do workouts too? I’ll tell you… Actually, I’ll let you in on a little secret. I cheat. That’s right folks… You heard it straight from the straight shooter. I don’t listen to that crap being spoon fed to me. Eight hours sleep my ass! I know that something has to bend. My work ain’t gonna bend (at least not on a regular basis). My family won’t bend (and I would not ask them to). Daily grind stuff won’t bend, because it is all necessary. And, taking time to eat will not suffer, because my body will not let me. That leaves one thing. Sleep. I steal from the sandman. I know that I’m going to get some boo’s and a few hisses after that statement. C’est la vie, baby! I’m not saying you have to do it. I’m just telling you what I do. Life is too short to worry about losing a few zzzzz’s. You snooze, you lose. The early bird catches the worm. And, my favorite, I’ll get all the sleep I need when I’m dead!

    So, what does all that mean? You ask. It means that I set my alarm for 4 a.m. (an even number? WTF?) Okay, I really set it for 4:12 a.m. I wake up early and I bang out my run or my bicycle ride (depending on the day).

    Got a better idea? Post a comment and let me know.

    If you manage to squeeze in tough workouts despite the craziness of life, I salute you! Keep up the great work!!! And, please chime-in with your secret!

    See you at 4:12 a.m. sprinting down the empty, dark, and chilly road!


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    Fitness in a Nutshell

    There is a fad that is sweeping across America (and the world for that matter). It is categorized as healthier living. With more than 30% of Americans being classified as obese, it is time for this fad to kick into action!

    Gratuitous Disclaimer: I am afraid that before I talk about this fantastic subject, I must first warn you of the inherent danger associated with it… Working out and exercise can be dangerous. You can be seriously injured, crippled or killed. The opinions, stories and ideas presented here are my own and do not constitute a recommendation of or endorsement for any particular or general use. You should seek a professional medical evaluation before starting an exercise program. If you choose to workout, you do so at your own risk

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    With that painful dissertation out of the way…

    Exercise is an essential part of life. Without it, our immune system falters, our muscles atrophy, and fat reigns in our bodies. On top of all that hype, I am in really good shape. As I type this Blog entry, my weight is 186 pounds and I have ~12% body fat. I am stronger than I’ve ever been in my life and I am 46 years old. Don’t let my young age scare you away… There are people in their 70’s who are still weight lifting and having excellent results and gains! Join the mayhem!

    There are literally hundreds of reasons to exercise… My top picks are these:

  • Functional Strength – I want to be able to help my friends move into their new house without suffering through three+ days of pain. I also want to be able to jump on my mountain bike on a whim and hang with others without agony and pain afterward.
  • Core Strength – I want my lower back and abdomen to be top-notched. I avoid injury in this area at all costs. It is important to me to maintain a very strong and healthy core, which is where most of your strength originates.
  • Joint Strength – My knees, hips, ankles, shoulders, and elbows used to ache me. Much of this pain stems from bleeds in these joints when I was younger. I fear that the blood has helped to deteriorate my cartilage, etc. Regular exercise has helped to stabilize each of these areas, and I no longer have any joint pain whatsoever.
  • Muscular Body – It is important to me to look good. I do not consider myself vain (not overly anyway), but I do take pride in the body that I have created through tons of hard work. I feel better about myself and more confident when I stand strong and muscular. This conveys in all aspects of my life.
  • Healthy Body – This one doesn’t really need any explanation. My immune system is already in a fight for its life (literally), so every little bit that I can do to turn the tide of that battle I will do. Exercise can lower your cholesterol levels, prevent heart disease, and even stop diabetes and cancer for starters…

    Those are just some of my reasons for staying in shape, but you get the point… Now, I want to address some of the more popular ways to achieve this so called strength and physical fitness level.

    In it’s simplest description, anaerobic training is bursts of high activity that trigger anaerobic metabolism and result in lactic acid creation. One of the most famous forms of anaerobic exercise is weight lifting. Athletes and fitness buffs use anaerobic exercise to strengthen and/or increase muscle. Basically, you work yourself until ample lactic acid builds up in your targeted muscle group and they fail.

    For strength training, most people will try to do between four and eight repetitions of exercise in each set. By doing eight or fewer repetitions, you are primarily targeting the fast twitch (power) muscles. It is essential that you bring the muscle group to complete failure (sometime beyond failure with advanced techniques like negatives, stripping, etc.)

    For mass training (think bodybuilding), most weight lifters will shoot for muscular failure between eight and twelve reps. This allows the fast and slow twitch muscles to be a part of the exercise and gives the most overall growth (hypertrophy) potential.

    Endurance training (and/or trimming) usually entails doing more than twelve repetitions, as this will primarily use slow twitch (or endurance) muscles. And, fat is burned as you keep your heart rate high for an extended period of time.

    The jury is still out on what type of aerobic activity is better than another. I use aerobic exercise like running to burn fat. I shoot for three days per week (with rest days between each session). During each daily activity, I try to workout for 45+ minutes and get my heart rate into a target area of 75% of my maximum predicted heart rate (MPHR = 220-your age). I should mention that I do not believe in this formula, because I am 46 years old and have had my heart rate up to 189! Your true MHR can be determined by a physician using a standard Stress Test.

    This is my go-to (favorite) cardio-based training. As a hemophiliac, I find the bike riding is easier on my joints (hips, knees, and ankles) than running, so I can train more often and go for longer times. Also, for whatever reason, I find riding exhilarating and fun!

    I believe that running is the most popular of all cardio (aerobic) exercises. Probably because you can do it pretty much anywhere and you don’t need any equipment to do it. Heck, many people even run barefoot, although I don’t recommend this. I struggle with the boredom of running long distances, but do like a short 6 mile or so run. If you’re just starting out running, make sure that you don’t increase your distance by more than 10% per week. Otherwise, you’re inviting an injury!

    Except to get from point A to point B, I don’t walk much. I find it boring and it takes forever to get what I want from it. Instead, I will run or use the elliptical. I should mention that I do walk before and after my runs as a warm-up and cool down. I also like to do one walk per week with my wife as a “getaway” for both of us, since we’re soulmates and best friends.

    I know that many people swear by walking, so I didn’t want to leave it out… However, it ain’t my cup of tea. To reiterate, I do walk a good distance each day, but not for exercise, I use it to get from point A to point B.

    I swim a couple of times per year. If I had a heated pool (or indoor) I’m sure I would do this on a regular basis. I think that swimming may be the best way to get a serious aerobic workout. If you do this, good on you!

    There are many other forms of aerobic exercise (far too many to list here). I just covered the tip of the iceberg… But, you get the general idea.

    Stretching is great to help relieve muscle aches after workouts and runs. It’s also keeps you flexible, renews energy, and helps to avoid injuries. For this reason, I believe that stretching should be a part of everyone’s workout plan. I stretch on my aerobic days. I stretch large muscle groups by slowly (never go fast, bounce, or jerk) moving into the stretch and holding it for 22 seconds. Near the end of my 22 seconds, I strive to stretch just a little bit deeper. Also, I only stretch after my workouts, as I have found that cold muscles do not stretch nearly as well and you might even invite injury or pain while stretching cold.

    Have you heard of HIT (high intensity training)? It is incredible! Essentially, it consists of lifting weights two (or fewer) days per week. Each workout is a full body workout and it only takes 27 minutes to complete. On top of the anaerobic benefits, you also get aerobic benefits too. This is because there is very little resting in HIT and your keep your muscles working the entire time by a neat thing called “time under tension.”

    I know what you’re thinking, How can you get a full body workout in fewer than 60 minutes per week? I’m here to tell you that it works. I have been doing HIT for more than four years now and I have made steady strength and mass gains since starting. For the first time in my life, I am relatively injury and pain free. If you wanna give HIT a try, start by checking out Dr. Ellington Darden’s HIT forum:

    Also, I would suggest picking up his book: The New High Intensity Training.

    What do you do to stay fit? Do you stretch?

    That’s it for exercise… If you would like to learn more, simply drop by my forum and checkout the Fitness board here:


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